Tuesday, August 25, 2009

books for travel

We just went out to DC (I had a conference), Philly (Chris had to work) and Boston (to visit family) for almost two weeks. I made these books to take on the planes, trains, and hotel rooms. They're all made from re-used one-sided paper from junk mail and old bread twist ties. We ususally have these sitting around at home, but taking them on the trip was really handy.
Tucker writes the greatest superhero books (wherein Spring Shotter gives Fart Girl her comeupance) and Brinda makes shopping lists (and then gets mad I won't go shopping). It's great media awareness; it helps Tucker understand that stories are made up by people who bring their own prejudices to the table, and if you don't like a character or event, you can just change it. That's at least slowed down his referencing Cars and The Lion King like a fundamentalist references the Bible.
You may need to be an immediate family member to enjoy the final products, but it takes up plane time, and I think my "Super Chicken Saves Weiner Dog" is bound for the canon.


Kathleen said...

I love the twist tie idea. I'm definitely copying this!

How did you travel that much with three kids? And by that I mean, what sorts of drugs were involved?

Deirdre said...

Where can I get my hands on a copy of "Super Chicken Saves Weiner Dog?"

Annie said...

I'm sure the entire Super Chicken series will soon be at your local library. My critics think it's the best story ever. Ok, one critic.

They're all actually great travellers, luckily, but three under 5 is just a pain in the neck. We were like our own caravan - 3 carseats, a double stroller, two big suitcases, carry-ons, diaper bag. We almost got left by the train at one point, and almost lost Tucker on the train at another. Still, trains are so much better than planes. I could walk up and down the whole train to escape the others. And next time I'm taking a flask.

Sarah said...

What a great way to reuse things that are usually thrown away. I am looking forward to reading the Super Chicken series.