Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lobster Mittens

I have a friend that is a serious biker. He even bikes to work in the winter. He was telling me that his hands are always cold, because he needs the warmth of his fingers together, but needs to be able to use his fingers. He requested lobster mittens, and I agreed to help him out. Anyone with a smaller carbon footprint than me deserves mittens.

I couldn't find a pattern, so I made one up. The first mitten didn't turn out well, but the second one is a success. I am really excited that I was able to make up a pattern. It almost makes up for them being so ugly.


Deirdre said...

You are amazing! These are far from ugly, as the ability to make the wearer look like an alien is far more important than other aesthetic values. I'm so impressed that you created a pattern. Excellent work!

Morgan said...

I couldn't have resisted making them RED!!!

You are amazing, Sarah! You should pattent that patern and sell the mittens in bike shops for $50 a pair!!!

Annie said...

Girl, you are wicked awesome. Chris will be so jealous! His elaborate biking hand-warming system is not so cool.

Kathleen said...

You are so cool. I'm telling you, let's open an etsy store. Or wait, you do it. I have not so much to contribute!

Deirdre said...

Wait, did Annie's comment reference a song from a Saturday Night Live skit mocking NKOTB? My name is Donnie and I'm here to say, they call me Donnie cuz that's my name...

Annie said...

When ever I buy my own shirts...I think of you, girl!

When ever I make my own plane reservation, I think of you, girl.

Cuz girl you are wicked aaaaaawwwwwesome!

slipsec said...

Hey cool! These were for me! I better post a link to the $64.99 version. To be completely honest, I usually wear a pair of cheepo $.50 streatchy gloves from the gas station because they breathe better. Sometimes gore-tex fancy schmancy material is the wrong way to go. You should totally sell the pattern!
