Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scissors fobs

I hesitate to post this on the same blog as the most recent posts, but it is as crafty as I've been lately. Tonight I made scissors fobs for myself and a friend. Yet another dabble in the jewelry realm, and I'm pleased with the results. It will make a good little gift. That, and it will keep the rest of you from trying to steal my scissors.


Sarah said...

I left my scissors in Chicago, so there is a pretty good chance I'm coming after your craft scissors.

I love love the bead work that you do. Who knew that scissors could be so pretty?

Morgan said...

I soooo need one of those... Can you make them to mark your things so the kids leave them alone??? "That last brownie was MOMMY'S!!!"

crosenfe said...

Love them. Something with a smaller hook would work great for cell phones, too! Nice work!

Deirdre said...

Great idea and excellent work. Plus, you get to use the word "fob" which is one of my favorites!

Annie said...

I'm with Sarah. I didn't know scissors could be pretty. Fancy.

Unknown said...

Great idea! They look great!