Thursday, March 12, 2009


In the finished part of our basement (you know, the rumpus room), we have a big space that is meant to hold a (really $&*!ing big) TV. It's always been wasted space because it's just a big 3' X 3' x 2' hole. So I finally built a shelf for it. It's 12" deep, and the best part is that Chris built another almost identical shelf to go behind it, because the cabinet is so big. And yes, that's right, it's not full. We still have more room for crap! Yay! Now where can I get more crap...?

You might notice that it's not exactly square, and some family members will take exception to my tagging this post as woodworking, but it looks great to me. Chris's is even worse off (we had really warped wood, apparently we should have spent more time picking it out, but I like to think it's a sign of the creator...), but it's hidden.

And this is my other shelf. It's in the back part of the basement, and it also was just a big hole. Now it's filled with my art supplies. And sure, I haven't done any block printing, book making or whittling since before Chris was deployed, but it makes me happy to look at the supplies anyway. I believe that someday I'll throw my children out of the house, and then I'll be free!


Kathleen said...

I am very impressed. And I didn't even notice the warped wood. Good job!

And should you need more crap, well, you just let me know.

Sarah said...

I am very impressed! I have no idea how you even go about building shelves. I'm also impressed that you have a rumpus room.

Morgan said...

Way to go, Annie! I LOVE the organization!

Your shelves are great! Don't down play your talent! Even the great carpenters start small... I have doll furniture Dad made me when I was 3 made by hollowing chunks of 2x4s in the appropriate places to make sofa, chairs, bathtub...