Tuesday, December 11, 2007

2008 calendars

This is the second year I've done these. And as Sarah requested a refill and this is a Wilson version, I don't think I'm ruining any surprises. They're month at a glance calendars, with special days highlighted. If you take a slimline cd case and crank the lid around (so it's like an easel) these fit in the display side. I don't have one at home or I'd show you. Everything is done in Photoshop Elements, and then I have them printed as 5x7s. A little trimming and they're good to go. It makes a nice present for godparents.


Sarah said...

I love these calendars! If you would like to see one in action you can see it on my red swingline stapler photo album (it's best not to ask).

Annie said...

I like how small they are.