Saturday, January 19, 2008

Beaded bracelet

At my son's request, we got out the beads today. He wanted to make one for himself, and I got bored watching him. So I made one for me. I decided last year I wanted to make jewelry and got some stuff. And made one bracelet. So I'm not good, and I don't know how sturdy it is, but I like it, so we'll see. I'm pretty sure it's not my calling.


Sarah said...

First of all we need to discuss your negative self talk. You will never like what you make until you believe that you are good at it. And you are good at it, so this shouldn't be too hard.
Second of all, that is very pretty. And fashionable. I recently went through one of those jewelry party books and your creation could easily be in one of their catalogs. As for sturdiness, unless you are a new lady McGuyver for the 21st century, who has a knack for getting out of deadly situations with duct tape, jewelry, and a swiss army knife, I'd say you are safe. Jewelry doesn't have to be sturdy. If it seems like it might break save it for a special occasion.

Annie said...

Will you be a new lady MacGuyver for the 21st century? I would really like that.

I think it's quite snazzy.

Deirdre said...

Way to bust our family into the jewelry game! I think I blew a month of my grocery clerk wages at the bead store during my first semester at college. There was, unfortunately, no direct correlation between my interest in beading and my ability to create an attractive beaded item. You, however, clearly have The Gift.

Morgan said...

I love the bracelet, Kathleen!

Jolene made me a pretty "amethist" one for Christmas... I wear it all the time!

Jewelry is all about the emotions and memories that goes with it... This one is full of memories of a day spent with Conor... Doesn't get any better than that!